Answers to the Quiz - Vol. 2

1) c) Isabella Rosselini















2) b) a filter for his camera - when Georgie tells him she had to return it to him lest he discover he needed it while photographing the "King of Siam", he points out that it's a filter for clouds, and he would never use it photographing the "King of Siam".
















3) d) Erik a.k.a. The Phantom

















4) a) smoking - actually, he starts to light a cigarette, but Elena takes it from him and lights it herself - and, acting out in his misery over his wife's affair, he drinks heavily, sleeps with a prostitute and nearly has a terrible car accident while driving drunk

















5) b) Los Angeles - he follows her from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, and his mob "friends" follow him - an unhappy ending for our Latvian friend....


















6) d) Thomas Dolby (of "She Blinded Me With Science" fame) - director Mike Figgis actually worked on the score to his film Leaving Las Vegas, which features music by Sting - Figgis also appears in the film, as Mobster #1















7) c) on the beach, outside Rome















8) d) being buried alive - he has nightmares about it, and Mary has a vision of just that happening during that long night















9) b) two
bonus: Julian was in Impromptu, in which François Lalande played the country doctor; François Lalande appeared in Les Visiteurs (1993) with Jean Réno

Want to try Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon or general Six Degrees of Separation with someone else? Try The Oracle of Bacon at Virginia: Just enter the name of an actor or actress (last name, first name) and hit the Go button for the answer to your question.
















10) a) Paulina Porizkova















11) d) rats - Argento covered Julian to the waist with over 400 rats for Phantom - he says Julian used yoga meditation to control his fear of being covered with the rodents















12) b), c) and d) - Vial says: "Julian went to his English-style garden and trimmed a few roses and aromatic herbs and brought them to me with the coffee he had made."















13) b) John Malkovich - check out the bio area for more information and a picture














14) c) Cheryl Ladd stars in Romance on the Orient Express















15) a) Joanna Pacula is the fashion-designer who posesses one of the magical stones in Warlock: The Armageddon. She was the wife in Husbands & Lovers.















16) a) Upon hearing the suggestion that specially-bred leeches that leave only a tiny mark on the patient be used to treat M. Chopin, Liszt suggests "or better still, send in George: she leaves no mark at all!"
















17) c) Edgar Allen Poe - the poem is "Annabelle Lee".















18) d) Faunerais (I've guessed at the spelling - I am apparently among the masses who've never heard of him - or perhaps he's not even real? - but then I'm not terribly fond of poems about men who eat their own hands.... Rupert Brooke, though....)
















19) d) Leo Tolstoy















20) b) Warlock - the video game is loosely based on the two Warlock films: the goal is to collect those magical stones!












Bonus Question: The Fixx - These guys were in my Top 10 list of all-time favorite bands just a few months ago, but with a new album released just weeks ago, and a fabulous tour with a lot of dates at small clubs, they've shot up to a clear Number 1! They're reminding everyone why they are often considered one of the best bands of the 80's and putting out notice that they're a force to be reckoned with in the 90's and into the next millenium. Mid-July should see the release of a new anthology album, with some acoustic versions of their classic hits, and continuing dates on the tour throughout the U.S. Check them out when they get to a city near you (tickets usually run about $5), and tell them Lace sent you (yeah, they should remember me... if they don't, mention seashells to Cy...)! (And give yourself 1 more point if you got this right!)

How did you do?

Wow! Congratulations! You're a certified Julian-ologist!


Super! With a little time (and a little careful browsing of the site), you might get a perfect score next time! That was great!


You're on your way! If you had trouble with the film-oriented questions, you might want to head to your video store and rent a few of Julian's movies to brush up.


You could use a little bit of work! Check out all of the information I've posted on the site, and be sure to hit the video store to rent some of those films you might have missed.


Oops! You must have visited here just because you thought Julian was gorgeous! ;) Well, he is, and I don't blame you. But he's an accomplished actor with dozens of films under his belt. The site's fun to browse (and has lots of pictures!), and a lot of his films are equally fun to watch. Try the quiz again when you've had some time to get to know him and his work, and I'm sure you'll improve!

We'll have a brand new quiz in the next month or two, so if you want to see if you can improve your score, be sure to try again! And you Julian-ologists need to make sure you can still legitimately claim that title with a whole new set of questions. (I'll be spending the next few weeks thinking up some doosies!)

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