The Julian Sands
Image Page #12

The Killing Fields

In his first major screen role, Julian plays the young, enthusiastic British journalist caught up in the midst of the chaos and danger of covering war-torn Cambodia.

Julian at 26.... after a hard day's work...

journalist reading newspaper They say the best place is the French Embassy. - Who told you that? - The British Embassy...

Touring the hospital.... Observing surgery...

taken captive Put inside a tank...

being taken somewhere held at gunpoint

waiting for... released and joking....

a bright polished penny.... Julian at 26....

In watching The Killing Fields, the first thing that struck me was how young Julian was when this film was done (remember that this was really a debut for him - a big role in a big film): a mere 26 years old! I had a hard time reconciling that reaction with my persistent statement that the man has hardly aged in nearly 15 years. But, watching him shortly thereafter in One Night Stand (the most recent project out on video), it was easy to see that while Julian can no longer be called a boy, he is indeed no old man. In addition to his fabulous looks, his genes have given him a ageless quality, and his vibrant, charming personality shows through as clearly now as it did those many years ago. If anything, it can be said that he has matured, not in terms of getting older, but rather in having grown into himself fully, like a fine wine ages into true splendor. I can only hope that directors and casting agents continue to recognize the value of that for 15 more years and beyond.

They want all our passports - the Cambodians must leave... The Cambodians leave

If we take one of my passports, take his photograph.... the best-laid plans of mice and men....

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