Warlock, The Armageddon

Warlock (1989)...Warlock

Plot Synopsis: Satan's disciple tries to bring Armageddon to the planet in a considerably campy horror series - Julian's clean, lush looks make him a wonderful selection for the Warlock (noteworthy: same-sex --but gory!-- kiss)

Warlock - Close-up

Warlock: The Armageddon (1993)...Warlock

Plot Synopsis: Satan's disciple returns again, to try to bring Armageddon to the planet in the second film of the considerably campy horror series (gory nude scene!)

Warlock II - Title Image

Review: I like to think that these films weren't intended to be taken completely seriously. As serious horror films, I think they're a lot worse than some (if better than many others), but as slightly tongue-in-cheek pictures, they work splendidly, which is why I've always chosen to look at them that way. Beyond that, you've got a really original story and characters, without an excessive amount of gore (can gore be tasteful? Hmmm....), scripts that definitely have a tongue-in-cheek quality about them, and some quality performances from the actors playing these quirky characters. Personally, I think I'd like them both a lot less if I couldn't laugh when Julian's character is injured or killed. That's both a matter of him deserving it, and the way they've chosen to carry it out. ("You've lost an awful lot of blood, Mister....").

Warlock and a stone....

They're actually fun to watch for a lot of the same reasons that Murder by Moonlight is, only with Murder by Moonlight, you have a case where a film took itself too seriously, and simply ended up being laughable despite itself. Here, I'm pretty sure it's intentional. That may, in fact, be part of the reason that the second film isn't up to the same quality level as the first, as it does seem to take itself a bit more seriously. I liked the Druid angle, but I don't think they carried it off nearly as well as the first storyline, nor are the performances (Julian aside) in that film as strong as in the first. Besides which, Julian has lovely feet (just like the rest of him), and I enjoyed seeing him barefoot for most of the first film. Nah, that's not the only reason I liked it better, just one of a thousand little reasons....

Warlock3-1/2 stars
Availability: available for rental or purchase at most video stores.
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Warlock: The Armageddon2-1/2 stars
Availability: available for rental or purchase at most video stores.
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