Vibes (1988)...Doctor Harrison Steele
Plot Synopsis: A fledgling hair-stylist with a yen for adventure and a museum expert who can't wait to see what treasure he might dig up are both blessed with psychic powers. But neither has any premonition that their lives are about to converge on a perilous mission for the powers of the universe. Julian plays yet another scientist role: this time, a power-hungry investigator of psychic phenomenon, the villain to wacky psychics played by Jeff Goldblum and Cyndi Lauper.
Review: Until I saw this, I hadn't realized that Cyndi Lauper had made such a strong effort at her acting career. That was my biggest note from this silly film. However, it's supposed to be silly, so you can't fault it for that. You've got Lauper and Jeff Goldblum playing two psychics who have to team up to find a great treasure trove of ancient power, knowing that an evil scientist, played by Julian, is searching for it as well, hoping to take over the universe, as it were.
There's just enough humor, plot twists and strong comedic performances to make it worth watching. It's one of those times where when Julian's character is threatened with death, you figure he deserves it and get ready to laugh. Though he's not known for comedic performances, per se, this is another one of those characters who takes himself so seriously that he's comical. He's also got some amusing dialogue to highlight that effect. Frankly, I can't think of another actor who'd really do this role justice, either. While it's a long way from being up there with most of Julian's other projects, it's absolutely worth a Saturday afternoon's viewing.
Availability: not available in the U.S. at consumer prices. Buy It.