Impromptu (1991)...Franz Liszt
Plot Synopsis: Julian plays composer Franz Liszt, complete with affair with the notorious Marie d'Agoult (Bernadette Peters), and friendship with the tubercular Frederic Chopin and the unconventional Mme. George Sand (exquisitely played by Judy Davis).
Review: Julian takes on the role of Franz Liszt, the Hungarian composer. He makes an excellent foil for the tubercular, restrained Chopin (played by Hugh Grant), with his immense passion for his music, his people and his women. The core of the story is the tumultuous love affair between Chopin and author George Sand (played by Judy Davis), which is itself vastly intriguing as the unconventional Sand seeks to woo the love of her life despite his abhorrence of her unladylike behavior and reputation. One of the strongest ensemble casts seen in film in many years, with Mandy Patinkin and Bernadette Peters rounding out the cast.
Availability: out of print, and therefore difficult to find for purchase, slightly more common for rental.